Terms and Conditions

Your Booking
All offers and bookings are subject to availability. The party leader must be at least 18 years of age at the time of booking. Your booking is made as a consumer and you agree that we can accept no liability for any expenses, costs, losses, claims or other sums of any description which relate to any business, howsoever suffered or incurred by you. When we issue a written confirmation to you, this signifies that we have entered into a contract with you, which is subject to these Conditions. We have the right to refuse any booking prior to the issue of the written confirmation and if we do this we will tell you in writing and promptly refund any money you have paid us. When you receive your confirmation, the details must be checked carefully. If anything is not correct you should tell us immediately.

Paying for your property
When you book your property you should pay the amount then due by sending us a cheque or a BACS payment. Providing the booking can be confirmed, we will then send your written confirmation as soon as reasonably possible showing your booking details and the balance of your total holiday cost which must be received no later than 8 weeks before your arrival date at the property.

However, if you book less than 8 weeks before your arrival date, payment of your total holiday cost is due straightaway.

All prices quoted in the brochure or otherwise advised to you include Value Added Tax (at 20%). Should the vat rate increase, or any additional taxes or levies be introduced, which affect the price of your holiday you may be required to pay the extra amount. Alternatively, should the rate of VAT or any other Government imposed tax or levy included in the quoted price decrease so that a lower rate applies to your holiday, the price of your holiday will be reduced accordingly.

Cancellation or changes made by us
We do not expect to have to make any changes to your booking, but occasionally problems occur and bookings have to be changed or cancelled. If this does happen, we will contact the party leader as soon as reasonably practical, explain what has happened and inform you of the cancellation or change.

If a significant change has to be made (and the change is not acceptable to you) or your booking has to be cancelled, we will try if possible and as soon as reasonably practical offer the party leader an alternative property (from the range advertised by us). We will meet the extra cost of the alternative property or give you a refund of the price difference if applicable. If you do not accept a significant change or an alternative property offered to you, you will receive a full refund on all monies paid to us.

Were your booking is significantly changed or cancelled you will be offered £20 compensation, if and as appropriate. However compensation will not be paid where any change or cancellation results from "force majuere" (please refer to section 4), or where you have refused, without good reason, to accept an alternative property offered. Please note, no compensation is payable for minor changes. Such minor changes do not entitle you to take an alternative property or to cancel without paying the normal charges as set out in these conditions. A minor change is a change which, taking into account the information you give at the time of the booking or which we can reasonably be expected to know, we could not reasonably expect to have a significant effect on your confirmed booking.

Circumstances beyond our control (force majeure)
Except where otherwise stated in these conditions, we will not be liable, for any changes, cancellations, effect on your holiday, loss or damage suffered by you or for any failure by us to perform or properly perform any of their respective obligations to you which is due to any event(s) or circumstance(s) beyond our reasonable control (force majeure). By way of example force majeure includes fire, flood, exceptional weather conditions, epidemics, destruction or damage to the property by any course (other than our negligence) and all similar situations. In appropriate cases (for example when your booking is cancelled before departure) we will refund you all monies paid by you for your booking. No compensation, expenses, costs or other sums of any other description (including without limitation the cost of securing an alternative property) will be payable in such circumstances by us to you.

Advertised details
We aim to ensure that the information provided by us is accurately conveyed on our web site or other promotional literature. However, the information and prices advertised might have changed by the time you come to book.

We shall have no liability for any death or personal injury unless it results from our negligence or that of any of our employees (providing that at the time they were acting in the course of the employment). You must take all necessary steps to safeguard your personal property. No liability is accepted by us in respect of damage to or loss of, such personal property, except, in the case where the damage or loss is caused by negligence on our behalf or that of any of our employees (providing they were at the time acting in the course of their employment).

If you change or cancel your booking
i) Changes
If you want to change your booking once your confirmation has been issued, an administration fee of £25 will be payable to us once any changes has been made. However, it is important to realise that a change of property or dates may have to be treated as the cancellation of one booking and the making of another. In such cases cancellation charges may be incurred which may be as much as the total cost of your holiday booking. We will inform the party leader if this is the case when the change is requested. The party leader must then inform us as soon as reasonably possible as to whether you still wish to change your booking. If you advise us that you do or the party leader fails to contact us as soon as reasonably possible, your booking will be treated as having been cancelled by you. So to keep any period of uncertainty to a minimum, we will were ever possible communicate with you by telephone and you are required to do the same.

ii) Cancellations
If you have to, or wish to cancel your booking, the party leader must telephone us on the number shown on your booking confirmation as soon as possible. The party leader must immediately confirm your cancellation in writing sent by recorded delivery to the address shown on the written confirmation. The day we receive your telephone notification of cancellation is the date on which your booking is cancelled.

Depending on your reason for cancellation, you may receive a refund of all monies you have paid to us for your booking less a £35 per week or per part week cancellation fee.

Please note the refund provisions referred to above only apply if the cancellation applies to all members of your party. Note all prices are for the entire property and not on an individual basis.

To qualify for a refund your reason for cancelling must be one of the following, must apply to a member of your party, and with the exception of pregnancy must of occurred after you booked your holiday and must prevent you from taking your holiday. Please note that you will not receive a refund for pregnancy where the party member is expected to give birth before or within 14 weeks of the arrival date home: - Illness/pregnancy (subject to medical evidence of unfitness to travel); death; redundancy (provided employment has been on a continuous basis with the same employer for at least two years); Jury or Witness service (in a court of Law); illness or death of a close relative (a close relative is defined as one of the following - spouse, son or daughter (in law), parent (in law), grandparent, sister or brother, fiancé (e); your home is rendered inhabitable due to fire, storm, flood, subsidence or malicious damage; your presence is requested by police following a burglary at your home or work place, during the period of your holiday or the preceding 7 days; your unexpected posting by HM forces or cancellation of leave by HM police (unless the cost of the loss of holiday is recoverable from any other source); or compulsory quarantine. You may also be able to receive a full refund if you are unable to reach your holiday destination due to snow or flood conditions or as a result of being involved in an accident en route (nb this only applies if you have made every effort to attempt to complete your journey. You will need to produce evidence from either the police, RAC or AA. Although a refund is available in these circumstances you may prefer to delay your arrival. In these cases a 25% refund is available for each 24 hour delay up to 72 hours - 75%( for short breaks a fixed refund of 50% arrives for all arrivals delayed for more than 24 hours) You will be asked to complete a cancellation form which may need to be signed by a Medical Practitioner or Employer and which we may request further information by a third party.

The following reasons do not qualify for a refund as set out above: suicide or attempted suicide, intentional self injury, the effect of intoxicating liquor or drugs, or any other reason which is not specifically referred to.

Where the reason of cancellation does not fall within one of the qualifications for a refund as set out above e.g. disinclination to travel, leave cancelled by an employer etc, a cancellation charge will be payable based on the number of days before your arrival date at your property that we receive notification of cancellation, as shown in then following table. This means that if you have paid the balance of your total holiday cost and then have to or wish to cancel, you may receive a refund of part of such cost. However, if you have not paid your total holiday cost by the time of your cancellation you may be required to make a further payment by way of a cancellation charge.

Your Booking
Number of days before arrival date notification of cancellation is received.

Number of Days - Amount Payable

More than 56 days - full deposit
29-56 days - 50% of total cost
15-28 days - 75% of total cost
1-14 days - 90% of total cost
On arrival date or later - Total cost

Your Booking
If any payment due in relation of your booking is not paid by the appropriate date, we can assume you wish to cancel your booking. In that case we are able to keep all deposits paid or due at that date. We will send out a reminder to you before your booking is cancelled. If we do not cancel straight away because you have promised to make payment, you must pay the cancellation charges above depending on the date we reasonably treat your booking as cancelled.

iii) Curtailment of your holiday
A refund as set out above is also available if your holiday is cut short for any of the qualifying reasons set out in (ii) above. In this case you will be reimbursed the appropriate proportion of the holiday charge. This only applies if all persons in your holiday party vacate the property. Where your holiday is curtailed for medical reasons affecting any person in your party you will need to produce a certificate from your local doctor, confirming the necessity to return home.

Your property
You can arrive at your property after 3.00pm on the start date of your holiday rental and you must leave by 10.00am on the last day. If you arrival will be delayed beyond 8.00pm on the start date of the holiday rental, you must contact us so alternative arrangements can be made. If you fail to do so you may not be able to gain access to your property. If you fail to arrive by 12 noon on the day after the start date of holiday rental and you do not advise us your booking may be treated as having been cancelled by you. No refunds of any money will be made in this situation.

Some properties may incur a security deposit on arrival. If this applies to your chosen property you will be advised at the time of booking. The security deposit will be refunded by us at the end of your stay (less any costs for damage or breakages).

You and all members of your holiday rental party agree to keep the property clean and tidy and to leave the property in a similar condition as you found it on arrival. You and all members of your holiday rental party agree not to use the party for any commercial purpose, including without limitation assigning or subletting it. You are responsible to us for the actual costs of any breakage in or to the property - along with any additional costs that may result - which are caused by you and/or any members of your holiday rental party, and we can require payment from you to cover any such costs.

We are entitled at our own discretion to refuse to hand over to you, or to repossess the property (which includes the fixtures, fittings, furnishings and decorations) if we reasonably believe that any damage is likely to be caused, has been caused, or is being caused by you or any members of your holiday rental party. These circumstances will be treat as a cancellation by you. No refund of any monies you have paid in respect of your booking will me made and we will have no liability to you as a result of this situation arising (including for example any costs or expenses you incur due to not being able to occupy the property, such as you incurring the cost of securing an alternative property/accommodation). In this situation we are not obliged to find any alternative accommodation for you. You must not allow more people than the brochure states to occupy the property, neither can you significantly change the composition of the holiday rental party during your occupation of the property, nor can you take your pet into the property unless it has been arranged in advance and is shown on your confirmation. If you do any of these things, we can refuse to hand over the property to you, or can repossess it. If we do so, this will be treated as a cancellation by you. No refund of any monies you have paid in respect of your booking will me made and we will have no liability to you as a result of this situation arising (including for example any costs or expenses you incur due to not being able to occupy the property, such as you incurring the cost of securing an alternative property/accommodation). In this situation we are not obliged to find any alternative accommodation for you.

If you take a pet with you, it is not allowed on the beds or chairs, or in any communal facilities such as swimming pools or shops. Pets should not be left unattended in the property, and dogs should be kept on a lead within the boundaries of the property including in the garden. Registered guide and hearing dogs are allowed in all our properties. Customers with allergies should be aware that we cannot guarantee that a dog has not stayed in the property nor can we accept any liability for any suffering that may occur as a result of such animals being present.

You must allow us and any of our representative's (including workmen) access to the property at any reasonable time during your occupation of the property (except in the cases of emergency or where a problem needs remedying quickly and you cannot be contacted in time - in these situations we can enter the property at any time without giving you prior notice).

Every effort has been made to ensure you have an enjoyable and memorable holiday. If, however you have any cause for complaint we are anxious that remedial action is taken as soon as possible, it is essential that you contact us straight away if a problem arises so that it can be speedily resolved.